If you are looking forward to learn something new about web development for building websites without hiring a web developer then this post may be helpful for you. If you have planned to build a website with coding then you must have a solid understanding of the concept of web development. By the way, web-development is the whole process of creating websites by using different computer languages. Web development is a very exciting career choice for the one who is interested in creating interactive web pages. Web-development has three parts- client side scripting, server side scripting and a database technology.
Client Side Scripting
Client side scripting is a series of coding or a program executed in the web-browser of the website user. When a web developer write codes that are executed in the web browser with or without having the use of internet and that scripting of code is called client side scripting. HTML, CSS, Ajax, Javascript, Jquery, Flash, Microsoft Silverlight are the examples of client side scripting language.
HTML or Hyper Text Markup language is used to determine the structure and the content of a website. Every website you see on the internet is built with HTML elements. If you consider land as a domain name than HTML is the structure of the building over the land or domain. The design of the building will come up on the next step.
CSS or Cascading Style Sheet is a language used to style the content of the web page. This language is simple and easy to learn and write. Generally, CSS is supported by all the web-browsers that are available today. CSS has more option than HTML to describe the look of the web page. If you consider land as a domain and building as an HTML then CSS is like a style and design of the building over the land. Whatever style you see on the website is because of the presence of CSS coding.
Javascript is an object oriented computer language used to create interactive web pages. For example, if you want to add Image galleries or slideshows or form validations in the website then you should take the help of a javascript. Adding this will improve the user's experience of the website. Javascript helps load content without reloading the entire page. This means that the content of the web page will automatically update using Javascript without having the need to refresh or reload the page. A computer game can also be developed using the advance knowledge of javascript.
Server Side Scripting
A server-side scripting, on the other hand, is a series of coding or a program that is executed or run on the server side. The control of the script is handled by the web server rather than just running a script on each user's computer. PHP, ASP.net, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc are examples of server side scripting language.
PHP is a free and open source and is similar to the .net framework. It was released in 1995 and is one of the most popular programming languages on the internet. It is used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. More than 250 million websites are created with PHP. Most famous Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla are PHP based. You can create a username and password login pages, photo galleries, forums, surveys etc. on the site with the help of PHP. A user should have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, jQuery before writing PHP scripts.
ASP.NET or Active Server Page is also a free open source server side web application framework for building web applications and websites using HTML, CSS and Javascript. It was developed by Microsoft and is specially designed for web developers to create dynamic web pages and web services. ASP technology works when a browser requests an ASP file, the ASP reads and executes the file and sends the result to the web browser. This is how the ASP works.
Java is totally different from Javascript. Java is an object oriented programming language similar to C++ that is used to make web pages more interactive. It was developed in 1990's by Sun Microsystems. Later on, Java is acquired by Oracle. Today Java platform is commonly used for the purpose of developing and delivering content on the world wide web. It is used to make small applications module or Applet (a part of the web page). Nowadays there are many devices that run Java and more than 3 billion cell phones are run with the help of Java.
Perl or Practical Extraction and Report Language is originally designed for text manipulation or text processing but nowadays it is used in a wide range of tasks including web development, GUI development, network programming and so on. It is a cross-platform open source programming language. It has become popular for writing CGI scripts due to the fact that it has strong text processing capabilities. All the e-commerce transactions can be handled with Perl.
A database technology
A database technology is also known as a Database management system (DBMS) is a system on the server which helps to manage all the information of the website and also to store and modify the data as per request. My SQL, Apache, SQL server, IBM are some examples of database technology.
To know more deails about building a website click here.
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