How To Enable Auto Forward Mail To A New Mail Account


With the growing trends in modern age, it is not enough to have one mail account at a time. Most of the people nowadays have a minimum of two mail accounts. But maintaining more than one email account inboxes can be challenging sometimes. There are people who manage 5 to 10 mail accounts at a time. This can be done through mail forwarding. If you have more than one email address than you can forward all the incoming mails to another mail accounts. So, in this post, we're gonna show you how you can auto forward your mails to a new or another account. 

Suppose you already have a gmail account and opens another new account Now you want to make a system that transfers all the new messages of the old account to the new account

Here I'm using (Old) as gmail1 and (new) as gmail2.

Open the old mail account (gmail1).

Click on the gear icon on the right side of the page.

From the drop-down menu click on "settings".

Click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.

Click on "Add a forwarding address".

Type the new mail address where you want to forward all the new coming mails and then click on next.


Click on Proceed.

Now click "Ok". A link for verification has been sent to your new mail account. 


Open the new mail account (gmail2).

 Click on the first mail that comes from Gmail Team for verification of mail forwarding.


Click on the link below to verify the process.

Now click on "Confirm".


Confirmation success!

Now you open your old account (gmail1) or you have got already opened in a new tab or window. Click on settings. 

Click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab. 


Click on the radio button (forward a copy...)

Click on the drop-down menu. Now you can see that the new mail address appears on the drop-down menu. Click on the address showing below.


Click on "Save Changes".

Now there will be the message showing "You are forwarding your email to ...the new account" and you're done.


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