How To Install External Template To A Blog


There are many inbuilt themes available in blogger like the dynamic view, simple, Contempo, Soho, Emporio, Picture window etc. But sometimes we need extra special themes that might look different from the inbuilt themes. There are lots of different websites where you abundantly get different blogger themes. Goyaabitemplates, btemplates, my blogger themes are few of them. So in this post, we will show you with screenshots how you can install external template to a blog. To sign up a blog see the tutorial here. We choose to install a template called shine blogger template to the tech fuel blog. So let us get started...

➤ This is the old template that I want to replace it with the new one.

➤ We're making a search of the shine blogger template on the google to download it. You make it a search for other themes.

➤ Click on the first link to open the template website.

➤ Scroll down and click on Download.

➤ After download click on the file to open it.

➤ Double click on the shine blogger template to open it.

➤ This is the theme file in XML.

➤ Extract the theme file by going to "Wizard".

➤ Select the location where you want to save the file and click on finish.

➤ This is the shine blogger theme folder.

➤ Now, sign in to the blog and click on Theme.

➤ Click on Backup/Restore.

➤ Open opening the popup window click on "Choose file".

➤ Now select and open the Theme folder.

➤ Double click to open the template XML file.

➤ Finally, click on "Upload".

➤ This is the theme that you have applied just now.

➤ To view the installed theme click on "View Blog".

➤ Here's the shine blogger theme.


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