Facebook is one of the most successful social networking platform that allow businesses, brands, celebrities, artists, organisation or any other activity to get interacted with the people all over the world. According to Statista Facebook has over 1.49 billion monthly active users in the second quarter of 2015 and hold in the second rank position according to Alexa traffic rank. Facebook has also recorded 2.7 billion likes in each day in 2012. The greatest tool of Facebook that we're going to talking about in this topic is the Facebook page or fan page or business page. This Facebook page or fan page is actually a public profile or a page that provides opportunities to the people to share their works directly to the public as a whole. So, to have a Facebook fan page is a good option for people to share their works to the right audience they are seeking.
you talk about business, than creating a Facebook page is not the bad idea. You
can spread your business name or brands directly to the people you want. The
Facebook page will allow your business to get connected to the most potential
targeted customers around the world. So creating Facebook page has become a
major choice among the marketers to market their product through the biggest
platform "Facebook".
in today's chapter I'm are going to show you step-by-step how you can create a
new Facebook page within a minute. It is very easy to create a Facebook page
and the good news is that it is completely free for everyone to create. Facebook
will not charge you anything unless you are promoting your posts through
advertising. So let us look forward to setup a new Facebook page in 6 simple
1) Choose the name for your Facebook page
The first step to create a Facebook page is to
choose a name. This is the basic and the most important step to follow cause
this will optimize your Facebook page to reach to the people you are looking
for. Just ignore this step if you already have a name, business name or other
name to open the Facebook page.
2) Select the type of your page
In this step you've to select what type of
Facebook page you are going to make for your business or other activities.
N.B: Unless you are
logged in into your Facebook a/c in that web-browser, you'll be asked to login
to perform the actions.
You cannot create a Facebook page unless you do not have your
personal Facebook a/c. But don't worry about your personal information that are
in your Facebook a/c. You can also hide ownership of your Facebook page from
the public at any time. So if you do not have Facebook a/c yet than click this link to open a new
Facebook a/c.
So there are six options depicted on the page and you've to
select any one to suit for your activity. So if you are dealing with business
in a specific area or location and want to create the Facebook page in the name
of that business than you to choose the first option i:e; "Local Business
or Place" and provide with all the details about your business. Likewise
you can choose what type of page you are going to make.
3) Provide necessary
details about your page
I've taken the option "Company, Organisation or Institution"
to show you exactly how you can setup your Facebook page.
On the above screenshots I've selected the category as
"Computers/Technology" and type the name of the Facebook page that
I'm going to make and then click on the "Get Started" link.
Now add
in detail about your Facebook Page in the orange color arrow-mark section. The
detail that you are going to provide in the about section is as important as
the title or name of your page. It is better to write the 'about' section with
generic keywords that might help your page to reach to the targeted audience.
If you
have a website or any other social media links- you can add in the blue color
arrow section or you can skip if you want.
Click on the "Save Info" button.
4) Upload the Profile
the profile picture for your Facebook page and then click next. You can also
skip to add profile picture later on.
5) Add to Favorites
You can
add the Facebook page in the favorite menu that is basically seen on the top
left side of the Facebook a/c. Adding to favorite helps you for easy finding of
your page. You can also skip this step for now.
6) Select the type of audience you prefer the most
The 'Preferred Page Audience' section will help your page to be visible
to the audience or customer according to your choice. For example, if you are
looking for customers in the age group between 15 years and 45 years or you
want your customers from a specific area.
So, once
you have filled this 'Preferred Page Audience' section- click the
"save" button and you are almost finished.
Your Page will something looking like this:-
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