How To Block Specific Website In Your PC


Do you want to know how to block any website in your computer. If yes then you're in the right place to fulfil your desire. At first we need to know the necessity of blocking websites in your computer. Why you need to block websites? Suppose if you have a business or organisation and you may not want your clients to go through different websites which are not related to your business then this trick is worthy for you. In fact, people mostly use facebook and youtube now-a-days than other sites. So by blocking these sites not only will save money but also time and utility. So in this post we will show you how to block an website by blocking Youtube in my computer. Similarly, you can also block any websites you want. So let's get started...

➤ Right click on notepad and click on "Run as administrator".
➤ After opening notepad click on file menu and then open.
➤ Select the "C" Drive indicating green arrow and then double click on "Windows" folder.
➤ In the Windows folder scroll down and you will see "System32". Double click on it.
➤ After opening System32 folder find "drivers" folder and open it. 
➤ Now double click on "etc" folder to open it.
➤ After opening etc folder you will find something like this. Just click on "Text Document" and then select "All Files".
➤ After that you'll find few files showing below. Just double click on "hosts" file to open.
➤ After opening hosts file you'll see something like this.
➤ Type on the field as shown below. Type tab key and then write the address of the website you want to block. For example, i'm going to block You Tube. No need to add http:// or https:// before that. Just type Press Enter.

➤ Use tab key to bring the cursor to type. Type as shown below. Press tab key and then write without www.

➤ Click on "File" menu and then "Save". That's it. 

➤ Restart your web-browser to see the effect. Now try to open You Tube- you'll find something like this... 


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